I am sad to announce the passing of Bishop Robert Maginnis, who as many of you will remember served as pastor of Saint Alphonsus Parish from 1988 to 1991. Please join me in praying for the happy repose of his soul and in gratitude for his generous and faithful service to our parish family. The funeral for Bishop Maginnis will be on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. For more detailed information, please click here.
Archbishop Pérez has offered the following words in Bishop Maginnis’ memory: I was deeply saddened to learn of Bishop Maginnis’ passing. For over 60 years he served God’s people tirelessly and selflessly with grace and compassion. In the true spirit of a Missionary Disciple he saw the face of Christ in everyone he met and shared the warm and comforting light of Christ’s love with them. Bishop Maginnis was a man of great joy and charity who positively impacted the lives he touched in deeply positive ways. His legacy is an indelible one of Missionary Discipleship. I count the times I spent with Bishop Maginnis as a great blessing. He was a friend and mentor from my days as a young priest and I learned much from his priestly example. I ask the people of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to offer prayers for the happy repose of Bishop Maginnis’ soul. May God grant him the gift of eternal life and bring comfort to those who mourn his passing.